Monday, October 13, 2008

Online Pregnancy Test: Selecting a Free Pregnancy Test

Online Pregnancy Test

Nothing will give a woman peace of mind if they think they are pregnant until the question is answered. When money is already tight pregnancy tests can be a costly purchase. However, when it comes to finding a free pregnancy test there are plenty of options. A woman has more time to make decisions and plans for her future and the future of her baby the sooner a pregnancy is confirmed.

Free pregnancy tests for women are offered all over the United States at clinics. Free counseling and resources for a woman who is faced with an unplanned pregnancy is also offered at many of the clinics and centers. A woman should wait until the time that her menstrual period is due before coming in for a free pregnancy test or a day or two later so the accuracy of the test can be ensured Recognising a Sign of Pregnancy.

Due to the hormone that is detected during the test the reason is important. Right after an embryo beings implanting into the uterine lining HCG is a hormone that is released. Through blood or urine tests this hormone can be detected and after it is released in multiplies in quantity. After ovulation, implantation typically occurs six to twelve days later and you should wait at least two or three weeks after ovulation to perform the test.

Other Types of Free Pregnancy Tests

Before making the call to a clinic to confirm the pregnancy through a urine or blood test, some websites offer a free online pregnancy test for a woman. These online tests typically have a series of questions that begin with how long monthly cycles usually run and when the date of the last period was.

Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and weight gain or loss will be checked off a list on these tests. Other potential reasons for these symptoms will be questioned, including if a woman has more stress than usual. It may also ask about which birth control methods were used at the time of conception.

Beginning with the series of online free pregnancy tests a woman can get a better idea of whether they will benefit by making an appointment with their doctor or a pregnancy clinic to receive a urine test despite their less than accurate record.

It is important that you find out as soon as possible whether or not a pregnancy is indeed reality. Through the use of a free pregnancy test, the sooner a pregnancy is confirmed the sooner the expectant mother can begin to make plans for her and her baby Pregnancy Diary.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Online Pregnancy Test : Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs and Symptoms of Being Pregnant

Online Pregnancy Test

Although a lot of women experience pregnancy symptoms, and find signs of being pregnant, other's don't "feel" pregnant. Certain signs and symptoms of being pregnant can be confused with other illnesses. The following list are some telltale symptoms of pregnancy. Morning sickness is one of the most common signs of being pregnant, but you also might be one of the lucky ones who never experience this pregnancy symptom. Missing a period is another sign and symptom of being pregnant. We'll go into greater detail below, and you can read below.


One of the most common signs and symptoms of being pregnant, missing a period can also be caused by other reasons. Although missing a period is one of the most common of the pregnancy symptoms, stress, illness, weight fluctuations or coming off the oral contraceptive pill can also be the cause of this. Irregular periods are a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition in which periods can occur several months apart. If you still feel like you are experiencing other pregnancy symptoms, continue reading the other signs of being pregnant.


Another sign and symptom of pregnancy is the changing of size and feel of your breast. As early as a few days after conception, this pregnancy symptom may occur. Your breast is beginning to enlarge, as it gets ready for breastfeeding. Many women claim that their breasts are very sensitive and that they experience a very sharp, tingling sensation as well. Being one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant, the tenderness of the breast often disappears a few weeks later.


Considered another one of the classic sign and symptoms of being pregnant, nausea and vomiting, (aka morning sickness) has become one of the most feared of all pregnancy symptoms. Feeling sick is a common complaint and is experienced by most women from weeks 5 to 6 of their pregnancy. However, morning sickness can also be felt as early as two weeks after conception. Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day, and can vary from an occasional faint sensation to overwhelming vomiting and nausea. By and large, morning sickness is one of the pregnancy symptoms that tends to disappear towards the end of the first trimester.


Many women experience fatigue as one of their pregnancy symptoms. Although this might be a sign of being pregnant, it can also indicate other things as well.


Being one of the first physical symptoms of pregnancy, the darkening of the areola can occur throughout your entire pregnancy. If you notice the darkening of the areola, this could be considered one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant.


If you experience that you are urinating more frequently, this might be another of the pregnancy symptoms that confirm that you are pregnant. As early as two weeks after conception, you might find yourself experience this pregnancy symptom. The pressure of the literally reducing size of your bladder is the cause of this. Your uterus beings to rise up into the abdomen, and this annoying pregnancy symptom is the result. Rising levels of the pregnancy hormone progesterone stimulate the bladder muscles, so that it feels full, even though you might not need to urinate. Of all of the pregnancy symptoms, and signs of being pregnant, women sometimes find this to be the most annoying.


Don't be surprised if you experience this pregnancy sign and symptom. Many women claim that certain foods make them feel queasy - while others experience a craving for other foods. Another sign of this pregnancy symptom, is a strange metallic taste.


Another of the annoying signs and symptoms of being pregnant, constipation occurs.


Two weeks after conception, your baby is no bigger than a pinhead, comprised of a few balls of cells. As it begins to develop in the lining of the uterus, the placenta begins to form and produce necessary pregnancy hormones. Below are some ways to confirm that the pregnancy symptoms and signs of being pregnant that you have noticed are accurate, and that you will be having a baby.


Being very accurate, these tests can be purchased at a local drugstore, and can confirm pregnancy by detecting the level of HCG in your urine. Your health care provider may rely on this test, and may only repeating testing if complications arise. If you receive a positive result, you may want to make an appointment with your doctor so that they can confirm you are pregnant and begin follow-up.


Similar to that of a home pregnancy test, and office urine test confirms pregnancy by also detecting the level of HCG in your urine. Being nearly 100% accurate, this test does not require you to urinate first thing in the morning. This type of test also can determine that the signs and symptoms of being pregnant hold true, and that your pregnancy symptoms are right.


In order to assist dating your pregnancy, your healthcare provider may also perform a pregnancy blood test. This particular pregnancy test can give you a positive or negative result, and once again detects the level of HCG. This time, it detects that level in your blood, and depending on your pregnancy symptoms, helps them determine what kind of care to give you. Pregnancy blood tests are useful if there are any concerns about miscarriage, or if there are indications that an unusual pregnancy is occurring.


Four to six weeks after conception, your doctor can receive indefinite proof by examining you internally. Certain signs like the thickening of vaginal tissues and the softening of your uterus will confirm that the pregnancy symptoms are right on!

Online Pregnancy Test: Beginning Pregnancy With An Early Pregnancy Test

Online Pregnancy Test

When you are trying to become pregnant – or are anxious that you may be pregnant – the waiting game can be excruciating. Fortunately, with the continued introduction of more sensitive testing procedures, you are able to know if you are pregnant very early in the process. An early pregnancy test can put your mind at ease and, if you are pregnant, allow you to make arrangements to see a doctor right away, ensuring the best prenatal care for your baby.

Upon conception, a woman’s body will register elevated levels of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG. HCG – which at a certain level indicates pregnancy – can be normally be detected by a simple blood test as early as 11 days after conception; a urine test will normally detect HCG around 14 days after conception. A pregnant woman’s HCG levels will actually double every 2-3 days. So, clearly, the longer you wait to take an early pregnancy test, the more accurate the reading.

With a sensitive early pregnancy test – like the ones being introduced on the market everyday – women can actually learn if they’re pregnant as early as one week prior to their missed period.

Gone are the days when women had to wait to miss their period before making an appointment with a doctor for a blood test and awaiting the test results. With the early pregnancy test we can know almost immediately, allowing us to adopt a healthier lifestyle right off the bat.

Further, studies have shown that a fetus’s greatest chance at health and full-term delivery is the level of pre-natal care. Which means the earlier in pregnancy that you begin seeing an obstetrician, the better your health and that of your baby’s. An early pregnancy test will give you the advantage of knowing you are pregnant much sooner so that you can have access to the best medical care available.

An early pregnancy test can be purchased over-the-counter from virtually any retail drugstore and, sometimes, even in supermarkets. They are convenient, affordable, and easy to understand.

But remember that the results of an early pregnancy test – while incredibly accurate – should be confirmed by a medical doctor. So make your appointment right away after taking the test.

Pregnancy can be a wonderful journey! Find out if it’s the journey you are on with an early pregnancy test.

Online Pregnancy Test: Various Types Of Pregnancy Tests

Online Pregnancy Test

With the advancement of technology, have also become more and more reliable and easier to carry out. Over the counter home pregnancy tests are also as effective as the tests carried out at the primary health care provider’s office. These tests are the starting point for you to make an appointment with your primary health care provider, if you test positive. It’s important to immediately undergo other tests in order to check whether the pregnancy is normal or if there are any abnormalities such as an ectopic pregnancy.

Types Of Pregnancy Tests

Urine Based Tests: These tests are most popular and more convenient than the other types. All that you need to do is to purchase over the counter urine home pregnancy test kit. Normally this consists of a cup into which the woman has to urinate and a special stick that has to be immersed in the urine for a specific amount of time. If you follow the instructions correctly as given along with the kit, you’ll come to know whether you are pregnant or not. The results are fairly accurate most of the time. Most clinics also adopt this method of pregnancy test.

There is another method of urine pregnancy test in which the woman has to hold a special stick in the stream of urine for a specific amount of time. This is a much neater type of test and is preferred by most women. This method can also be used as an early pregnancy test since it can detect the presence of hCG pregnancy hormone as soon as the embryo has attached itself to the uterine wall.

Blood Tests For Pregnancy: Blood tests are normally more reliable and are carried out by doctors in order to detect human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG), the presence of which indicates that the placenta has started to grow as a result of the attachment of the embryo to the uterine lining. This can also be found out through urine tests but blood tests are more reliable. Normally the doctor runs more tests to check your overall health so that proper prenatal vitamins and medications can be prescribed to keep you and your growing baby healthy.

Blood tests are preferred by most couples who have had infertility problems and are anxious to find out whether the pregnancy test results are positive as the blood test can be done as early as seven days after a probable conception. It’s also important to undergo a blood test as the level of hCG can be measured very accurately and possible complications or problems can easily be identified. The blood pregnancy test should only be carried out at a doctor’s office although it might entail the high cost of the visit and the tests. You could also visit women’s clinics for pregnancy tests if you want to reduce the expenditure.

The expectant mother should also undergo further regular tests even after the pregnancy tests have revealed that she is normal and has a healthy pregnancy. These tests are normally scheduled by the doctor and expectant mothers should be aware of them and their implications. These tests are: Complete Blood Count (CBC) test that checks for anemia or any other abnormality; Urine analysis test that checks for undesirable elements such as infection, blood, protein or any other harmful product; RH factor; Immunity from German measles; tests for sexually transmitted diseases; blood glucose test; pap smear; and screening for bacterial and viral infection.
Pregnancy tests are essential to ensure the good health of the expectant mother and the growing baby.

With the advancement of technology, pregnancy tests have also become more and more reliable and easier to carry out. If you are anxious to know about your pregnancy, you can do a home pregnancy test or an early pregnancy test, with an EPT Pregnancy Test kit. Some sites offer free online as well. However, these tests are not a replacement for medical opinion and for confirmation, you should get a pregnancy test done under the supervision of your pregnancy doctor. Visit Pregnancy Test for more information on anything and everything related to pregnancy such as, pregnancy diet, pregnancy exercises, pregnancy stages, pregnancy complications, breastfeeding, and much more…

Online Pregnancy Test: False Positive Pregnancy Test

Online Pregnancy Test

False positive pregnancy test basically means HCG was detected in the urine. HCG is present in the placenta when the embryo is attached to the uterus. False pregnancy is rear by do occur. If you have done the home pregnancy test and result shows positive, we blindly accept it, after all pregnancy tests are supposed to be 99% accurate. However there are several reasons sighted about why a home pregnancy test could be misguiding.

The chances of inaccuracy rises up when the guidelines mentioned in the kit is not followed and also when the result is not read in the stipulated time. Keep a track of the time, since you will not realize how time flies when one is anxious and impatient. Double checking the result could also give you false positive pregnancy test. This possibly is the main cause of inaccurate tests. So adhere to the instructions mentioned on the kit.

If urine is contaminated with protein or medicine like phenothiczune it could interfere with the results leading to wrong results. The pregnancy tests are accurate sometimes while on the other hand it is also possible that the tests may not be accurate. There are many reasons behind this fact which we will discuss here.

When the strip changes color, the result is said to be positive, but if manipulated it could also give inaccurate results. Evaporation lines start appearing after 3-5 minutes. Reading after the stipulated time could result in inaccuracy.

If your pregnancy test result is positive consult your doctor immediately, sometimes certain types of cancer like chorocarcinama, ovarian, breast cancer can cause increase in the level of HCG, thus leading to false positive pregnancy test.

Using pregnancy kit which has crossed the expiry date could give you false indications. Always check the best before date before you proceed.

A woman who has been undergoing treatment for infertility and was given HCG injection will test positive too. The container where urine needs to be collected should be free of detergent or soap deposits; this could result in false positive pregnancy test.

Thus there are many chances of false positive pregnancy test results. The results are only due to certain chemical reactions. The presence or absence of proteins in the urine or blood may cause the pregnancy test strips to change color. Thus even if your pregnancy test is positive, it is very much possible that you are not pregnant. The best way to go about it is that when you feel that you are pregnant, you must go and see a doctor about it. Ask for the doctor's advice with regard to your eating habits and rest while you are pregnant. This will keep you as well as your baby safe from any mishap.

Online Pregnancy Test: Check The Awaited Pregnancy - Undertake A Home Pregnancy Test

Online Pregnancy Test

Have the 40 weeks of week by week pregnancy begun? Am I pregnant? Is it time for paternity testing? If this is what you are thinking than taking a pregnancy test is on the cards. The extensive medical test sure can be referred to, yet as a prelim confirmation, an early pregnancy test also referred to as pregnancy test at home can also be considered. It helps give a basic indication as to whether the early pregnancy symptoms you are experiencing are true or misguiding, especially if you have skipped a period.

The Technicality behind a Home Pregnancy Test

Any kind of pregnancy test is conducted with the objective of checking the presence of hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone), which starts getting produced in a pregnant woman’s body during the initial stages of week by week pregnancy. Also known as pregnancy hormone, this can be checked by way of a urine test, which can be conducted at home or by a blood test, which is facilitated by a health care practitioner.

Can An EPT Pregnancy Test Be Relied Upon?

As evident, the accuracy of the home pregnancy test undertaken also depends heavily upon the presence of this hCG hormone. It starts getting made when the fertilized egg is implanted, usually after 6/7 days of conception. However, in a few cases, there is a probability that the same cannot be detected till at least 15 days. Therefore, an early pregnancy test might not be an accurate and precise indicator of the confirmed pregnancy. The accuracy indicator improves with time and is close to 100%, if you’ve skipped a period.

Another important accuracy parameter relates to the usage of home pregnancy test kit. The kit manufacturing company is not to be blamed, if you are not very careful about the usage directions. A basic home early pregnancy test kit usually requires urine collection in a container & then dipping a checking instrument in it. After few minutes, as instructed on the pregnancy test kit packet, inspection of the dipped instrument would give pregnancy indications.

Another factor that could interfere with the easy testing procedure is usage of medication. This could give misleading positive interpretations, even when there is actually no pregnancy.

And last but not the least, like any other medical instrument or drug, do check the pregnancy test kit’s expiry date. Only a valid kit can generate substantial results.

An Early Indicator

Despite the above-mentioned probabilities, a home pregnancy test is the best indicator that can help prepare for the 40 weeks of week-by-week pregnancy that wait ahead. It could be inaccurate at times, but the latest variants introduced in market are quite sensitive and hence reflect the true status of whether you are pregnant or not. A visit to the doctor should put to rest all speculation.

Pregnancy begins a few weeks before you start tracking your Pregnancy week by week. A confirmatory pregnancy test such as an online pregnancy test, home pregnancy test, or an ept pregnancy test also known as the early pregnancy test marks the formal announcement of the fact that you are all set for the much-awaited journey towards motherhood. Pregnancy Week By Week provides more information about pregnancy testing; pregnancy related issues and even complicated and sensitive issues such as paternity testing.

Online Pregnancy Test: What is the Best Home Pregnancy Test?

Online Pregnancy Test

After comprehensive online exploration done in this area, it seems clear that the best home pregnancy test is First Response. User information gave it an exceptional rating in 2003 and also rated it as the best home pregnancy test of the 18 they experienced, regularly, because it can spot the smallest amount of hCG, the pregnancy hormone. This means that it can create a positive pregnancy test result before any of the other home pregnancy tests.

Lowest Detections

In January, 2003, user Reports made a broad cast of their result on CBS’ The Early Show and revealed that First Response could detect hCG levels as low as 6.5 mIU (thousandths of an International Unit). The next best level that several of the home pregnancy tests can detect is 25 mIU. The 5 least sensitivity home pregnancy tests that user Reports experienced couldn’t detect hCG until the level had reached 100 mIU.

This level would most certainly decode into several days after a missed period since 6.5 is nearly the level of hCG present when the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall. The point of the hormone also becomes double about every two days so, there should have been several days between a level of 6.5 and 100. With this kind of front, there’s no problem that First Response is the best home pregnancy test.


The pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG is produced by the placenta once the embryo attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. Once this happens, hCG will be present in a pregnant woman’s blood and urine but all the tests and experiments can not spot the same level of the hormone. The longer a test takes to identify the hCG the less susceptible it is to the pregnancy hormone. First Response is certainly the most perceptive and best home pregnancy test.

Although, some of the home pregnancy tests have gone digital, using words instead of a line to indicate results, First Response has not followed that inclination. First Response was also cited by customer information for the readability of the result line as it was more “intense” than most of the other tests.

EPT, the first home pregnancy test on the market in 1978, was not cited in the report but has a sensitivity capable of detecting hCG at 40 mIU. That’s a little astounding, bearing in mind they have been in the marketplace for almost 30 years and started this industry. They do have years of dependability behind them though they have gone digital. Now when you take the EPT home pregnancy test the words PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT will show in the result window instead of a line.

in spite of of the home pregnancy test ,you settle on to utilize, whether it is the best home pregnancy test or another one, see your doctor as soon as possible if you think you might be pregnant.

Online Pregnancy Test: First Response Home Pregnancy Test

Online Pregnancy Test

First response home pregnancy tests (HPTs) are designed to detect HCG, a hormone released by the placenta right after the embryo begins implanting into the uterine lining: the hormone is released in a pregnant woman's urine. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. Home pregnancy tests (HPTs) are designed to detect it. Detetcting hCG in the blood is how home pregnancy tests work.

How accurate are first response home pregnancy tests? The highest possible screening sensitivity for an hCG-based pregnancy test conducted on the first day of a missed period is 90 percent, as 10 percent of women may not have implanted yet in the uterus. The authors estimate that the highest possible screening sensitivity of a home pregnancy test by one week after the first day of the missed period is 97 percent, thus their accuracy is usually not doubted so long as the test instructions are correctly followed.

Companies Manufacturing Test Kits

Because implantation usually happens 6-12 days after ovulation, it is possible that you are testing too early, too soon. Various home pregnancy test manufacturers advertise their product as being foolproof. Clearblue Easy publishes on its website that Clearblue Easy can be used as early at 4 days before you expect your period, about 5 days sooner than waiting until you miss your period to test. With their digital test, they say 55% get a positive result 3 days before a woman’s period is due, 87% 2 days before, and 92% one day before her pregnant period is due. Then there is the company First Response and Answer, which says that “Answer Quick & Simple® Early Result Pregnancy Test can detect the pregnancy hormone as early as 4 days before you expect your period. In clinical testing, Answer® detected the hormone levels in 69% of women 4 days before their expected period, in 83% of women 3 days before their expected period, in 93% of women 2 days before their expected period, and in 93% of women 1 day before their expected period.” The companies publish their statistics to tell the possible kit user the level of accuracy with which the tests can be conducted.

Instructions To Follow

The test can be conducted at home with you using the midstream urine -- meaning you should urinate a little first and then either hold the test stick in your urine stream or use a collection cup to collect. If, inspite of having bought a stick test, you would like to collect urine in a cup, you need to hold the absorbant tip of the stick in the cup of urine for 5-10 seconds. Otherwise the directions with the test need to be followed. There are online pregnancy test instructions which provide all the information needed to use the tests. If used incorrectly, the tests will not be accurate, so it is essential to read the entire set of instructions before beginning to test. The tests describe a step-by-step method by which to conduct the first response home pregnancy test.

First response home pregnancy tests are performed after observing the early signs of pregnancy and once these tests confirms the pregnancy, you need to study the weekly pregnancy calendar to know more about the development stages of the pregnancy.

Online Pregnancy Test: What is that?

Online pregnancy test

Online pregnancy tests are software designed to calculate whether a woman is pregnant or not by giving her a questionnaire to answer. In the online pregnancy test questionnaire the questions are:
  • The age
  • How many days from the first date of last period
  • Whether or not she was using any birth control measure
  • The date on which she thinks she conceived
  • Symptoms
  • Intercourse
  • Feeling of being bloated
  • Whether the woman has been under stress
  • and so on.

Such tests may give a correct or incorrect answer but do not replace an urine or blood test.
Home pregnancy tests are done to determine pregnancy from privacy of your home.
All the home pregnancy test kits use the presence of a hormone called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) as the measure to determine pregnancy. Though these home pregnancy test claim to be sensitive enough to detect pregnancy by the time you have your periods, they are not sensitive enough and you will require to wait at least two to four day after the first period is missed. Some brands may be more sensitive that other brands.

It is required that before purchasing a home pregnancy test kit, you check the validity of the kit i.e. see to it that it is not past expiry period. All these kits have control indicators, if they do not show up properly there are chances that this kit might be out of validity, especially if it has been lying around in the house for a while.

It is also very important that while using home pregnancy test kit all the instructions given by the manufacturer are followed. Each manufacturer has different types of kits for which the instructions of use vary. Otherwise the kit will not yield correct result. Home pregnancy kits are a better option than online pregnancy tests.

Online Pregnancy Test: Are The Test Results Accurate?

Online pregnancy test

With quick to receive results and getting tested in the comforts of home, the free online pregnancy test seems the best option for anxious expecting mothers. It is surely a source of multiple benefits as it saves time, money and labor too. Yes, you no more need browsing through books to check out if you are pregnant or consult your acquaintances to confirm your pregnancy. At the initial stage, when you start suspecting pregnancy symptoms, you may not want to divulge symptoms to people, as you are not yet sure of your pregnancy. So, now where to go? Well, you can simply log on to any website and go for a free online pregnancy test to ascertain your doubts.

How Accurate Are These Free Online Pregnancy Test Results?

A free online pregnancy test should be treated as a first step in detection of pregnancy. You cannot just rely on these test results as a final confirmation of your pregnancy. You are sure to find hints about the pregnancy through an online pregnancy test, but this test should never replace medical confirmatory test under observation of physicians. Rather, these tests are the best ways to measure your chances of getting pregnant. You may follow these test results to decide if you should consider a medical confirmatory test. So let us find out, how do these tests process results and what do they conclude, finally?

At the first stage of pregnancy, when you are unsure about the positive signs of pregnancy, a free online pregnancy test will guide you. Even before you disclose the pregnancy symptoms to anybody, find out what your chances are through online pregnancy test. Before you start discussing with your peers and start rejoicing, it is better to assess your chances of getting pregnant first. Though this is not a confirmatory pregnancy test, but no doubt, this free online pregnancy test is a good pregnancy probability test. Simply and accurately feed the answers to the questions and then just click on the submit button. As per information you feed on your last period and other points, you will get to know what your possibilities of pregnancy are. Input date of your last period, online pregnancy tests will calculate a possible date for your delivery.

No matter whether a free online pregnancy test is 100% accurate or not, it is always a good option to measure your assumption and calculate probability. You will be asked a list of questions on your age, present health conditions, symptoms you experienced, birth control techniques you followed earlier before coming to a conclusion.

Online Pregnancy Test
There are websites claiming to answer whether you will give birth to a baby boy or girl. However, experts warn repeatedly not to rely on the sex determination results of these sites, as there are not yet any scientific procedures to do so! A free online pregnancy test is a great tool to prompt if your symptoms require checking through medical confirmatory test, but this test itself cannot produce corroborated results.

When you are witnessing early pregnancy symptoms you can conduct a free online pregnancy test to confirm the news of your getting pregnant. Some signs of pregnancy could be misleading therefore it is necessary that you undergo a confirmatory pregnancy test under the supervision of your doctor

Online Pregnancy Test: Take an Online Pregnancy Test for Free

Online Pregnancy Test

To take an online pregnancy test, you'll need to answer some questions. These questions are related to signs that indicate pregnancy. To take an online pregnancy test, answer the questions below. Please note -- it will take about a week for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus after conception. Once implantation happens, you can begin to experience one or more of the signs that indicate you are pregnant. Are you experiencing:

1. Light Spotting? Spotting can happen when implantation occurs before your next period begins. Light bleeding from implantation tends to be pinkish or brownish.

2. Urinating More Often? Frequent urination is one of the early signs of pregnancy. Many women experience more frequent urination about 7-12 days after the temperature rise at ovulation.

3. Elevated Body Temperature? A slight increase in body temperature at ovulation is normal. Your basal body temperature staying elevated after ovulation is completed and remaining elevated for the next two weeks can be one of the early signs of pregnancy.

4. Missing a Menstrual Period? A missed period is one of the obvious pregnancy signs when you take an online pregnancy test. However, you can miss periods for other reasons such as illness, stress and reactions to foods or medications.

5. Tiredness? A lack of energy as a pregnancy sign may be hard to distinguish from other kinds of exhaustion. Feeling tired is related to the change in hormones in the body, which usually disappears as the body adjusts to new hormone levels during pregnancy.

6. Feelings of Nausea? Feeling nauseated can happen any time, day or night, although 'morning sickness' is the name given to feeling nauseated when pregnant. Only about half of pregnant women will experience nausea.

7. Tender Nipples and Breasts? When you take an online pregnancy test, answering yes to this question can indicate pregnancy. These feelings of tenderness go away as the body becomes accustomed to new hormone levels.

8. Darker Areolas? If the area around the nipples becomes darker, this can be a pregnancy indicator. It can happen as early as one week after conception. The bumps on the areolas may also look more prominent.

If you are answering 'Yes' to one or more of the questions above as you take an online pregnancy test, you can confirm pregnancy by using one of the better home pregnancy tests. There are major differences in the reliability of the home tests for pregnancy. A blood pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 8 to 10 days after conception, and a urine pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 10 to 14 days following conception. If you feel you are pregnant but your pregnancy test result is negative, do the test again in a week or so and see your physician.

Becoming pregnant and enjoying a successful pregnancy is a complex but wonderful experience. Learn as much as you can about fertility, pregnancy and your health so your new baby will have the very best beginning to life that is possible.