Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Online Pregnancy Test: Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy

3 Earliest Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Earliest possible signs of pregnancy - are there really signs and symptoms of pregnancy that can occur before missing a period? Actually, there can be symptoms that are the earliest possible signs of pregnancy.

Many women that have been pregnant before can detect the moment they begin ovulating, while many women cannot tell when or if they have ovulated. Often, women can detect when the fertile days of their cycle have ended, and some women know when they have become pregnant. However, for others, using one of the more accurate inexpensive home pregnancy tests is the most reliable way to know that the very early signs and symptoms of pregnancy you are having mean you really are pregnant.

Here are the earliest possible signs of pregnancy that many women experience:

o Basal Body Temperature Stays Elevated - it is normal to have an increase in body temperature at ovulation and your most fertile time. Your basal body temperature staying elevated after ovulation is completed and remaining elevated through when your period should begin can be one of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy. You will need an inexpensive basal thermometer to chart the slight elevations in your body temperature upon awakening each day.

o Tender and Enlarged Breasts - very early in pregnancy, the body begins making changes in the normal hormone levels that can result in signs and symptoms of pregnancy. The body is unprepared for these changes when they first occur. The most noticeable changes occur in the shape of and feelings of tenderness in the breasts and a feeling of fullness. The good news is that these feelings of tenderness go away fairly quickly as the body becomes accustomed to the new hormone chemistry.

o Fatigue - lack of energy as one of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy is sometimes difficult to distinguish from other kinds of exhaustion. Health professionals attribute this fatigue to the change in hormones in the body which usually disappears as the body adjusts to the new hormone levels.

These are common earliest possible signs of pregnancy that most women agree on. Some women will experience only one of these signs, and some will have several or all of these signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Once the pregnancy signs are experienced, confirm your pregnancy by using one of the better home pregnancy tests. There are major differences in the reliability of the home tests for pregnancy you may wish to know about.

And remember, the health of the developing baby begins with the mother's health and habits before conception as well as during pregnancy. Becoming pregnant and enjoying a successful pregnancy is a complex but wonderful experience. Learn as much as you can about fertility, ovulation, pregnancy and your health so the new person will have the very best beginning to life possible.

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