Thursday, May 20, 2010

Online Pregnancy Test: Why Not Take a Free Online Pregnancy Test If You Are Confused by Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms?

Online Pregnancy Test

To take a free online pregnancy test you require to answer the following questions. These quested are related to earliest pregnancy symptoms. However it should be kept in mind that fertilized egg needs around one week to implant itself into the uterus. It is only after this implantation that body of the women begins to experience different signs of pregnancy.

So go ahead and answer whether you are experiencing

Vaginal Spotting: Light spotting may take place at the time of implantation. It takes place before the date of your next periods. This light bleeding is normally brownish or pinkish.

Frequent Urination: One of the earliest sign of pregnancy is frequent urination. Most women experience excessive urination after around 8 to 10 days of ovulation.

Increase in Body Temperature: A slight increase in basal body temperature at the time of ovulation is normal. However if this temperature stays elevated for some time then it indicates pregnancy.

Missed Periods: This is one of the most obvious sign of pregnancy. However there are few reasons other than pregnancy that may cause a woman to miss her periods.

Fatigue: Lack of energy is one pregnancy sign that is difficult to distinguish with general exhaustion. Fatigue is related to hormonal changes of the body.

Nausea: These feeling can come at any time of the day or night. Morning sickness for these queasy feeling is a misleading term.

Tender Breasts: If you are answering yes to this question then there are bright chances that you are pregnant. These feeling of tenderness fade away when the body gets familiar to new level of hormones.

Darkening of Areola: This occurs around one week after conception. The bumps on areola also become more obvious.

If the answer of any one or more of the above questions is yes then it is the right time to confirm pregnancy

Do you want to know a 100% natural and effective system with a 99% accuracy rate to confirm pregnancy? If yes then check Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms and find the answer right now.

If the test says that you are not pregnant; even then do not get disappointed as Pregnancy Guide will give you some wonderful tips and soon you will be knitting the bay booties.

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