Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Online Pregnancy Test: The Fact About Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Accuracy

Online Pregnancy Test

Clear blue pregnancy test claims that they can be determined after a week of the period being due. Many women want to take a check early as possible when it comes to ovulated testing. There are several varieties of home clear blue pregnancy kits. They typically maintain a 99 percent accuracy rate. or better.

For early detection of pregnancy, researchers found that most kits were not sensitive. Normally, when you can get an accurate pregnancy evaluation result earlier, it means that the more sensitive the kits that you have. The level of sensitive checks currently detects about 15 to 25 mIU of hCG. It is advised to buy a home pregnancy check that is corresponding to detection of pregnancy within about a day of a missed period for 90% of women.

Check at Clear Blue Pregnancy Test package insert when you are trying to determining how sensitive a evaluation is. With an early pregnancy, the pregnancy test will pick up on the type of hCG most associated, but you should be aware that some women produce different kinds of hCG during a pregnancy. That is why the clear blue pregnancy test does not actually indicate.

The accuracy of clear blue pregnancy test is generally true once women are not during the first few days - they are accurate when she is further along in a pregnancy. Take the pregnancy check at least one week after a missed period. In fact, currently home pregnancy kits available are more accurate than earlier tests. Theirs functions as well an existing evaluation.

Online Pregnancy Test: 5 Basic Tips For Accurately Charting Your Fertility Cycle

Getting Pregnant Naturally

Chances are if you want to get pregnant naturally and you haven't gotten that positive test result you have been looking for, you are wondering what you can do to make sure getting pregnant happens next month. One of the easiest ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant is to have intercourse during the time you are ovulating, as that is the only time of the month that you can possibly get pregnant. Ovulation occurs when the ovary releases an egg and it travels through the fallopian tube. For about 24 hours, the egg is viable for fertilization. If sperm doesn't get to the egg during these 24 hours, conception will not occur. Determining the time of ovulation is essential to getting pregnant. It is fairly simple to determine when you are ovulating. Follow these simple tips and you'll be well on your way to seeing that positive pregnancy test result.

Cycle Charting Tip #1 - Get a Calendar
You need to have a calendar that you can access easily and at all times. This is will make charting your cycle easier, as you'll be less likely to forget to mark things down if you are there all the time. Smart phones now even have downloadable functions that make it exceedingly easy to enter cycle information. If you don't have a smart phone, the old fashioned paper calendar will work just as well.

Cycle Charting Tip #2 - Note the First Day of Your Period
The first day your period starts is considered day 1 of your cycle. Don't assume you'll remember the day it started; mark it down on the calendar! This is one of the most important pieces of information needed to determine ovulation dates.

Cycle Charting Tip #3 - Go Buy a Basal Thermometer
On day 1 of your menstrual cycle, take your basal body temperature and mark that on the calendar. Basal body temperature is most accurate when you first wake up in the morning and you haven't gotten out of bed yet, so if your period starts later on in the day, just take your temperature the next morning. Take your basal temperature every morning when you wake up and mark it on the calendar. You'll see a rise in temperature when ovulation begins.

Cycle Charting Tip #4 - Check Your Mucus
On the same calendar, chart the consistency of your cervical mucus. Charting this will enable you to double check the temperature results, as the consistency of the cervical mucus changes during ovulation.

Cycle Charting Tip #5 - Watch the Calendar
Because ovulation usually occurs between 10 and 14 days after day 1of of a woman's menstrual cycle, it is important to know when these days in a cycle occur. The charting of the temperature and mucus are a way to more accurately determine the ovulation dates, but watching the calendar can give women with very regular cycles are fairly accurate ovulation time frame.

Some women can actually feel when they are ovulating. This sensation is either a slight discomfort in the abdominal area or a bloating sensation. Other women are able to feel a physical change in their cervix. If you sense the physical changes in your body that accompany ovulation, you have the ability to double-check the accuracy of your charting results. Regular recording of body changes will enable you to accurately predict ovulation and increase your chances of conceiving faster than if you were not keeping track of those changes. With these cycle charting tips you are on your way to conceiving your baby!

For more excellent advice, methods and lifestyle choices to help you in getting pregnant naturally, take the time to visit our site for an inside look at our book "Getting Pregnant Naturally". We want you and your partner to have your best chance at getting pregnant in a way that is natural, wholesome and healthy.

Here you'll get access to our free 10 day mini-course. It's packed with the latest natural methods for conceiving along with new healthy patterns and methods for increasing your fertility and getting pregnant faster.

Online Pregnancy Test: What is the Most Accurate Pregnancy Test on the Market

Online Pregnancy Test

If you have a suspicion that you are pregnant then you are probably wondering what the most accurate pregnancy test on the market is. Before you begin your search, you must first understand that there is no 100% accurate pregnancy test available. Regardless of what people say, no company can assure that their product will not make any mistakes. Try as they may, there will still be errors, as well as faulty tests. This is because of course, we are all human. So, if you are looking for a perfect home pregnancy test then you should stop right now because your efforts will only be futile.

You should know that most of the brands out there work the same way in order to tell whether a woman is pregnant or not. These tests look for presence of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG in the woman's urine. This hormone is secreted after the embryo has implanted in the uterus and is produced by the placenta - so its presence in the urine of a woman is an accurate indicator that the she is indeed pregnant. If a test is taken too early in pregnancy then there may not be any hCG in their system yet therefore, it will yield a negative result (which may not be negative at all if you've just taken the test too early.) False positive results can also happen and are caused by a different set of factors.

The only practical advice that can be given to people searching for the best test on the market is to look for tests that measure a very low amount of hCG. These can be taken sooner than brands that start out at say, 50 hCG... You should also go for a brand with clear instructions on how to use the product because many of the cases of inaccuracy when it comes to testing, are a result of improper usage.

Another option is to get a blood test through your general practitioner. They can usually test for pregnancy much earlier using this this method. Although the blood test is very accurate, many women prefer to test at home and then later confirm the results with their doctor by getting their blood drawn. It comes down to convenience - why spend the big bucks with your doctor when at home pregnancy tests work just fine. Just confirm what you already know with your doctor once you have a positive test result. Good luck!

Online Pregnancy Test: Are Pregnancy Tests Always Accurate?

Online Pregnancy Test

When you feel the first symptoms of pregnancy, you naturally head to the drug store to find a good pregnancy test. Have you ever wondered how they work?

Over-the-counter pregnancy tests look for the presence of the "pregnancy hormone" in your urine. The test you receive later in your doctor's office looks for the same hormone in your blood. The hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG for short. This hormone begins to build up just a few days after the fertilized egg is implanted in your uterine wall. The hCG will cause your placenta to produce progesterone after the implantation of the embryo, which is necessary to prevent the embryo's rejection.

Because it takes time for the hormone to build up to detectable levels, most over-the-counter pregnancy tests work best when taken a few days or a week after your missed period. Some brands claim to be accurate sooner, but all women ovulate at different times of their cycles, so this may or may not be true for you.

The most accurate test is done in your doctor's office. A blood test can detect much lower levels of the pregnancy hormone than urine tests. If you get a negative reading from your drug store pregnancy test, but you still "feel" pregnant, you'll want to make an appointment with your doctor. Planned Parenthood offices also offer pregnancy tests and exams.

About 25 days after an egg is fertilized the fetus can be seen by transvaginal sonography.

What causes false negative test results?

A false positive result may occur if you take your test too early. The pregnancy hormone hCG does not begin to build up in your system until after the fertilized egg has attached to the uterine wall. This usually occurs within 14 days of fertilization, so a blood test is almost always accurate if it's done after your next period was supposed to start. Some over-the-counter tests need higher levels of the hormone to be accurate, and so they say you're not pregnant, even though you are. You can take another test a few days later to be sure.

Can you get a false positive result?

Yes, your test may say you're pregnant even though you're not. The most common cause is waiting too long to read the results of the test - the urine will evaporate from the test strip, and the color will change to show a positive result. If you get a positive result but you waited longer than suggested by the test's instructions, you'll want to take the test over.

If you're taking fertility hormones, a home pregnancy test may show a false positive result. Ask your doctor if your injections include the hormone hCG. If so, the hormone will show up on the test, and the reading will be inaccurate.

In very rare instances, a false positive reading is caused by certain unusual forms of cancer.

What about the rabbit?

In your grandmother's day, there were no over-the-counter pregnancy tests. The doctor would take a urine sample, and inject the urine into a female rabbit. If the rabbit was injected with humane urine that contained the pregnancy hormone, the rabbit's ovaries would change. It usually took several days for the changes to take place, and the rabbit had to die before the lab technicians could look at her ovaries.

Fortunately, rabbits are no longer necessary for pregnancy tests.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Online Pregnancy Test: Very Early Signs Of Pregnancy - How To Tell If You Are Pregnant

Online Pregnancy Test

So, you're wondering if you might be pregnant, but don't know the very early signs of pregnancy? While pregnancy symptoms will often vary between women and even between pregnancies, there are some common symptoms to give you some help.

Missed Period

This is one of the early signs and what typically will lead to a pregnancy test. While this is a good indication of being pregnant, it's not foolproof the first month. Some women may still have light bleeding during their first month.

Morning Sickness

Another common pregnancy symptom is the dreaded morning sickness. It will generally start as soon as two weeks after conception, although it can take up to 8 weeks for it to begin. While most women experience this nauseous feeling, there are some who never do.

Tender Or Swollen Breasts

Having unusually tender breasts is a very early sign of pregnancy also. This symptom can begin within a week or two after conception. Women may also notice their breasts becoming swollen and quite sensitive. You may also notice your areolas darken.

Implantation Bleeding

This symptom is a very early sign of pregnancy. Within 6-10 days of conception, the embryo attaches itself to inside the walls of the uterus. When this takes place it's very common that a woman will have cramping as well as spotting.

Feeling Tired

A feeling of increased tiredness or fatigue is another pregnancy symptom which begins early on after conception.

Increased Urination

This is a classic early sign of pregnancy that affects most every woman.

Frequent Headaches

Do to the shifting and rising of your body's hormones, many women experience headaches during the early stages of pregnancy.

These are the most common very early signs of pregnancy. There are others such as food cravings, backaches, etc., but many of these occur well after the early stages of conception.

Online Pregnancy Test: 3 Sure Fire Early Signs of Pregnancy

Online Pregnancy Test

Often times the wait for pregnancy can be one of the most difficult times...It can easily make a month seem like a decade if you're really really hoping to get pregnant.

However, sometimes your body will tell you that you're pregnant faster than a test will, and you can end the wait quickly.

What I'd like to talk to you about today is a few ways that you can tell that your pregnant very early on.

OK, so obviously the first one is a missed period. If you've been trying to get pregnant and you miss your period, then chances are that you've succeeded and that you are indeed pregnant.

It is true that there are other causes for a missed period, such as hormonal fluctuations, high stress levels, or even a change in your diet, but more often than not, and especially when you're trying, a missed period will mean that you're pregnant.

However, sometimes you may think that you haven't missed your period, when you really have.

This brings me to my second point, which is light bleeding. Oftentimes the tiny little baby developing inside your body, despite being virtually microscopic, can still cause you to bleed slightly.

If you had a very light period, or maybe you're bleeding was somehow different, then chances are that you're pregnant. Many women don't realize this, and completely disregard their odd period, only to find a month later that they are, in fact, pregnant.

One other thing that's easy to miss, but often very indicative of a successful pregnancy is if you find yourself urinating more than normal, despite not making any changes to the amount of water that you've been drinking.

If you notice yourself peeing much more frequently than you feel like you should be, then it might be time to take a trip to the doctor, or to take that pregnancy test.

The last thing to look out for when trying to get pregnant is dizziness. This can be different for different women.

Sometimes a woman might not experience any dizziness at all. Other times women will have extreme spells of dizziness that are actually very uncomfortable to go through. Either way it's something for you to look out for, as if you're trying to get pregnant and you notice that you're especially dizzy for no apparent reason, the reason is probably that you're pregnant.

Well, I hope that those tips have helped you out...I know that if you keep an eye out for these things that you'll have no trouble detecting when you're pregnant!

Online Pregnancy Test: Understanding the Early Pregnancy Symptom

Online Pregnancy Test

An early pregnancy symptom tells a woman early in the pregnancy that she is going to have a baby. The type of such symptom women have varies and can include the following, which are some of the most common.

Changes in Menstruation

The first early pregnancy symptom a woman experiences is often changes in menstruation. In some cases, women will notice that they did not get their period when they were expecting it. This can be an early sign of pregnancy or it can be a sign of other issues in the body. Missing your period is not always a sign of pregnancy but it can be for many women who notice it if they monitor their periods.

In some women, the early pregnancy symptom is not missing their period but changes in the amount of blood that is lost during their period. Women may have a very heavy period instead of a light one or their period may be a lot lighter than normal. Any changes in menstruation can possibly be an early pregnancy symptom.

Changes in the Body

One of the changes in a woman's body that can be an early pregnancy symptom is weight gain. If a woman gains weight when she is not eating or working out any differently than before, it may be an early symptom of pregnancy. Tender and sore breasts may also indicate that a woman is pregnant. These are symptoms that prompt many women to take a pregnancy test.

Some women find that early on in the pregnancy, they feel nauseated, which is another early pregnancy symptom. This is also referred to as morning sickness and can be mild or in some cases very severe and hard to miss. It is a strong sign that a woman is pregnant so it is another reason women go and buy a pregnancy test.

Changes in Eating Habits

Often, one of the early signs of pregnancy is a change in the way a woman eats, which can include cravings for foods you don't normally eat and disliking foods you used to enjoy. Women are often said to crave pickles and ice cream if they are pregnant, and some actually do. The cravings that women have vary, though, from sweets to meat to fruits and vegetables. In some cases, women find they cannot tolerate certain foods. This is an early pregnancy symptom as well. The sight, smell or taste of what used to be their favorite foods may make them feel ill. They may eat like they normally would only to find that they feel sick afterward.

Online Pregnancy Test: Strange Signs of Pregnancy

Online Pregnancy Test

Most women are aware of the common pregnancy symptoms. Most women while planning their pregnancy are prepared to face these earliest signs of pregnancy. But majority women are unaware and not prepared to face these unusual pregnancy symptoms. Only some women are aware that signs of pregnancy are extremely unpredictable.

These signs of pregnancy increase the anxiety and confusion linked with pregnancy. Sometimes it becomes very difficult for the women to detect or confirm their pregnancy specifically if it is the first one. Most pregnant women start to worry if these unusual signs of pregnancy are the alarming bells of any pregnancy related complications.

Some mom-to-be makes the most major blunder of not informing these pregnancy symptoms to their doctors, which is not healthy for the health of the mother as well as the growing fetus.

The comprehensive knowledge of unusual signs of pregnancy is important to know for all women planning pregnancy.

Spider Veins: A most unusual sign of pregnancy is the veins that surround the chest and upper arms suddenly become more prominent. This sign of pregnancy worry a lot to those women who hates spider veins. Their confusion can be relieved I they know that it is only because of an increased blood flow towards the chest.

Nasal Congestion: Sometimes the nose of the pregnant women becomes clog repeatedly. The proper knowledge helps the woman to understand that it is mainly because of nasal congestion which is an unusual sign of pregnancy. Nasal congestion contributes in giving even more uncomfortable and sleepless nights as is generally the case during seasonal flu. It sometimes results in the bleeding of nose as well. This nasal congestion is not accompanied by any other sign of seasonal cold. So whenever the woman who is expecting or planning pregnancy faces a repeated nasal congestion in the perfect weather then it is good to consult doctor.

Metallic Taste: A strange metallic taste in the early pregnancy is also an unusual or strange sign of pregnancy. This metallic taste is because of the drastic changes in the level of hormones in early pregnancy.

Flatulence: Flatulence and gases are also an embarrassing and uncomfortable early pregnancy signs. If pregnancy is confirmed this unusual pregnancy signs can be better handled by slight modification in diet plan.

Increase in Production of Saliva: Sometimes pregnant moms start to experience increased saliva in the mouth. Increased saliva results in the most usual and uncomfortable pregnancy sign "Nausea". Sometimes mom- to be has to experience drooling of their mouth in early pregnancy during sleep.

Leg Cramps: Whenever you wake up in the middle of the night because of leg cramps or because of the pain in legs it is good to contact doctor. These leg cramps are because of calcium deficiency. This deficiency becomes more obvious in early pregnancy and results in leg cramps. Doctor can prescribe some calcium tablet to reduce the pain and relieve this unusual pregnancy symptom.

Facial Hair: No matter how much a woman had paid for the removal of facial hair till there is an increase in pigmentation as well as facial hair during pregnancy. It is recommended to go to the doctor's clinic instead of visiting a parlor of such hair growth is seen in early pregnancy.

It is good to contact doctor if any of the above early pregnancy symptom is seen.

Online Pregnancy Test: 5 Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy

Online Pregnancy Test

Have you been trying to conceive since previous few months? Or are you thinking that a tiny little zygote is already growing within you? Whatever the case is it would be better to have enough information about the earliest possible signs of pregnancy. These 5 earliest possible signs of pregnancy would help you to determine whether you are pregnant. Early detection will help you to seek timely medical advice. This is essential not only for you but also for the tiny life growing within you.

Here you'll find a list of some common and obvious earliest possible signs of pregnancy. Sometimes these signs of pregnancy start to show itself as early as one week of fertilization. Having a look at these is critical for all those who are planning or expecting pregnancy.

Missed period: Most vital and critical sign of pregnancy is missed periods. Yes you are right; sometimes a woman misses her period because of hormonal fluctuations in the body. This hormonal fluctuation may take place because of some kind of stress or some medicines or even because of drastic diet change. If something else other than pregnancy is the case then you must expect to get your periods within 10 days of your expected due date. However if it does not happen then it would be better to go for a pregnancy test.

Light spotting: The tiny zygote who is trying hard to get life within you can be very consistent as well as persistent in his efforts. Though till so far he is microscopic but he has the complete grit for surviving and living within you for the next nine months. It is ready to every thing to make its way towards your endometrial lining. His battle to safely lodge himself on the endometrial wall may result in slight bleeding or spotting; as this is not the regular menstrual bleeding so the color would be different. This generally takes place around the date of your expected period. So it is not very difficult to confuse it with regular bleeding. If your bleeding this month was weird, light and short then it is better to visit the doctor or go for a home pregnancy test.

Dizziness: It is not very unusual for a pregnant women to experience dizzy and fainting spells. Do you know why this happens? The uterus of the pregnant women put an increased pressure on the entire body system. This increased pressure leads to the compression of arteries specifically in legs. The result is steep decline in blood pressure level; the result is fainting or dizziness. This earliest possible pregnancy symptom is temporary but come in sudden spells.

Frequent urination: This is a trademark of pregnancy. Uterus starts to expand soon after conception. The uterus does so to make the room for the new small guest. So if ever you are experiencing an unexplained urge to urinate frequently then it is the right time to think about pregnancy and go for a pregnancy test.

Heartburn: There are few women who experience sever heartburn early in pregnancy. This might be the condition that you have never experienced before. You must be wondering that how pregnancy and heartburn are linked to each other. The pressure to the heart is put by the expanding uterus. Furthermore the increasing level of hCG hormones within the body of the mother hinders the regular process of digestion. This results in stomach acids. These acids in accumulation results in heart burn and acidity.

Online Pregnancy Test: What Are the Early Signs of Pregnancy?

Online Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting times of a woman's life. It can also be one of the scariest, as you head towards what will, inevitably, be a life changing experience. But, without using a pregnancy test kit, how do you even know you may be pregnant in the first place?

Late period

One of the first natural signs that you are pregnant is if you are late for your period. While not all women are linked to their moon cycle in the same way, and while some of us may have different numbers of days in each menstrual cycle, we all have some idea of what the maximum and minimum number of days in a menstrual cycle are and if we go outside of those limitations there must be some chance that the reason why is because of pregnancy.

Frequent urination

Find you need to run off to the toilet more often than you normally would? If so, this is another of nature's classics signs that you could be pregnant and that you need to have a pregnancy test. As this is a classic sign in early pregnancy that you may be pregnant, if you have missed the sign that you are late for your period, being both late for your period and having to run off to the bathroom on a regular basis equals a quick trip to see your doctor!


The view that morning sickness starts some time after conception is a television myth. In fact, morning sickness can start as early as only two weeks after you have conceived, which would only be a few days after you'll have missed your period. So, if you find that you are often feeling sick through the day, the stomach bug you have may not be the same one that everyone else in the office currently has and you should book an appointment with your doctor to check out this most classic of all pregnancy symptoms.

Sore breasts

Does your bra feel more uncomfortable when you wear it now? Are your breasts feeling more tender than normal? If so, you could find this is another classic sign that you are pregnant. However, as with most things nature throws at us, the onset of tender breasts and nipples ordinarily starts around two weeks after the pregnancy conception, which just so happens to be the same time as we are expecting our period. As sore and tender breasts also happen to be a classic sign that we're just about to have a period, it is not too difficult to see why a lot of women miss this sign. However, if you happen to have sore and tender breasts, are often running to the bathroom to urinate, and find that you are feeling sick during the day, then all of these signs should have the hairs on the back of your hand standing up that you may just need to schedule a pregnancy test. Typically, the hairs standing up on the back of your hand is a further sign of pregnancy, as most women seem to know intuitively that they're pregnant.

Online Pregnancy Test: The First Signs of Pregnancy

Online Pregnancy Test

If you are trying to conceive, then you are probably expecting and hoping to experience the first symptoms of pregnancy soon. The symptoms of early pregnancy vary from woman to woman, but there are many symptoms that you can almost count on experiencing in the first few weeks after conception. This article will help you know what to look for.

A symptom many woman report experiencing is implantation spotting. This is light bleeding that occurs at around 10 days after ovulation. This may not be a first symptom of pregnancy for all women, since some women experience spotting on a regular basis. But if you do not usually experience any bleeding between cycles, and you experience spotting between 8 days after ovulation and 13 days after ovulation, it could be implantation spotting.

Another first symptom of pregnancy almost every woman reports having early in their pregnancy is breast tenderness. The tenderness can vary from extreme to mild. Some women report that even a slight breeze would cause them pain, while others say they experienced light tenderness. Many women experience breast tenderness before their period begins, however, so this may not always be a sign of pregnancy.

In addition to spotting and breast tenderness there are a few other first symptoms of pregnancy. One of those is hunger. Some women report feeling extremely hungry without being able to get full, while others say they just felt a little hungrier than usual. Some women say they experience extreme thirst rather than hunger. Other symptoms of early pregnancy include fatigue, nausea, bloating, headaches, stomach and abdominal pains, gas, and even itchiness and dizzy spells.

As you can see, the first symptoms of pregnancy vary quite a bit from woman to woman. Most experts say not to count on being pregnant if you have just one or two symptoms, since many early pregnancy symptoms are also symptoms of PMS or the flu. But if you have several symptoms that are not normal for you, it is probably a good sign. Just don't get too excited until you get a big fat positive on your home pregnancy test!

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Online Pregnancy Test: Very First Signs of Pregnancy and Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Online Pregnancy Test

Have you been trying to conceive since the previous few months? If yes then you must be expecting to experience the first signs of pregnancy in a few days. Though these early pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to another; there are some first signs of pregnancy that are generally experienced by all women in the very first days of their pregnancy.

Implantation Bleeding: The very first sign of pregnancy is implantation bleeding. This is a short phase of bleeding that take place around 10 days of ovulation. Sometimes this may not be the first symptom of pregnancy as the few women experience spotting regularly. However the women who do not experience any spotting between two cycles and suddenly you notice spotting between 8 to 13 days of ovulation then it could be an early pregnancy symptom. As during this window of cycles there are chances of implantation spotting.

Tender Breasts: Next first sign of pregnancy that is experienced by almost all women is tenderness in their breasts. This tenderness in early pregnancy varies from mild to extreme. Few pregnant women even complain that even slight breeze sometimes cause pain however other experience only slight tenderness. There are few women who experience light tenderness even before their menstrual periods begin; so the tender breasts are not always the sign of pregnancy.

Extreme Hunger: Besides implantation bleeding and breast tenderness there are some other signs of pregnancy. One of them is extreme hunger. There are few women who report the feeling of extreme hunger and they are unable to feel full no matter whatever they eat. Others experience only slightly more hungry than usual.

Other early pregnancy symptoms include

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pains
  • Headaches
  • Dizzy spells
  • Itchiness

As you have seen that first signs of pregnancy are different for each woman. Most experts strongly recommend that women should not start to consider themselves [regnant if they happen to experience only one or two signs of pregnancy. The reason is that most early pregnancy symptoms are similar to the Post Menstrual Symptoms or general flu. However if women is experiencing three or more signs of pregnancy then it is a good indication that you might be pregnant.

In this case is a nice idea to o for a home pregnancy test. This test can be easily done at the privacy of your own home. If you are experiencing more than two first signs of pregnancy then expect to get a big fat positive result on your home pregnancy kit.

Online Pregnancy Test: Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs

Online Pregnancy Test

How can you tell if you are pregnant? There are a number of signs and symptoms to watch for. Chances are you will only experience a portion of the symptoms. Each pregnancy is different, and the same mom to be can experience different pregnancy signs each time she gets pregnant.

Pregnancy symptoms can begin for some mothers immediately after conception. Some pregnancy signs require that you chart your cycle, noting your daily basal body temperature.


While a rare minority will experience pregnancy symptoms sooner, typically the first pregnancy signs occur when your baby implants around 8-10 days after ovulation. Implantation causes an increase in progesterone levels, which can lead to higher temperatures giving you a tri-phasic chart. If you temperature remains high for fifteen or more days after ovulation, you may be pregnant. Some women will see a slight temperature drop at implantation. Implantation bleeding sometimes occurs and can be pink, red, or brown in color. You may also have lower abdominal cramps.

Positive Pregnancy Test

The next and best sign that you are pregnant is a positive pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests measure the pregnancy hormone hCG in your urine. The most sensitive home pregnancy tests will show a positive result when the hCG levels reach 20, which can happen as early as four days before your period is due, or approximately 10 days after ovulation.

False negatives are common when testing early with a home pregnancy test, so I recommend you wait to use one until eighteen days after ovulation to avoid false negatives. The usual recommendation is to wait until 14 days after ovulation before testing. Blood serum pregnancy tests performed by your doctor are much more sensitive. They can detect hCG levels as low as five. If you continue to experience pregnancy symptoms, but your home pregnancy test continues to show negative, you can make an appointment with your doctor to confirm your pregnancy.

Missed Period

One of the most common pregnancy signs is a missed period. For women with a standard 28-day cycle, their period is late if it has not arrived fifteen days after ovulation, or twenty-nine days after the first day of their cycle. Elevated basal body temperatures for 15 or more days will typically accompany the missed period.

Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is a very common early symptom of pregnancy. You may find yourself unable to be away from a bathroom for more than hour at a time, or waking up in the middle of the night to urinate.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can begin as early as 2 to 4 weeks after conception. The term morning sickness is something of a misnomer, as you can experience the nausea and vomiting throughout the day. Morning sickness typically is worst during the first trimester, and most pregnant women will have their morning sickness symptoms lessen or subside completely during the second or third trimester.

Breast Changes

Breast tenderness usually begins around 3 to 4 weeks after conception. This can also be a sign of your impending period. Usually the degree of breast tenderness is much stronger with pregnancy than with your period. You may also notice a slight tingling sensation.

Another change to your breasts early in pregnancy is the appearance. Your areolas can become larger and darker.


Fatigue can be an early sign of pregnancy. This symptom is not just being a little tired; it is more like feeling totally wiped out. Your normal daily activities can send you to complete exhaustion.

Body Discomforts

The physical and hormonal changes you experience with pregnancy can cause a long list of body changes that are annoying and uncomfortable. You may experience headaches, backaches, acne, constipation, heartburn, mood swings, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, and abdominal cramps.

Food Cravings

Food cravings are a very common pregnancy symptom. Approximately 85% of women will experience some type of food craving during their pregnancy.

Food Aversions

The other side of food cravings is food aversions. They are also a very common sign of early pregnancy. You may find that a favorite food suddenly makes you feel nauseated just thinking about it.

Smell Aversions

A heightened sense of smell may cause some odors to seem stronger than normal when you are pregnant. Some smell aversions can cause food aversions.

Baby Movement

You can feel your baby moving as early as 16 weeks, but for first-time mothers may not feel the baby moving until 20 weeks or more.


For some women, they just "feel" pregnant, even though they have had no other signs or symptoms. A mother's intuition is frequently accurate.

It is possible to experience some of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, yet still not be pregnant. It is important that both you and your baby get under a doctor's care as early as possible. If you think you might be pregnant, treat your body as if you are pregnant until you know for sure. Take a home pregnancy test if you miss your period. If the test shows positive, then you are pregnant. Congratulations!

Online Pregnancy Test: Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy

3 Earliest Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Earliest possible signs of pregnancy - are there really signs and symptoms of pregnancy that can occur before missing a period? Actually, there can be symptoms that are the earliest possible signs of pregnancy.

Many women that have been pregnant before can detect the moment they begin ovulating, while many women cannot tell when or if they have ovulated. Often, women can detect when the fertile days of their cycle have ended, and some women know when they have become pregnant. However, for others, using one of the more accurate inexpensive home pregnancy tests is the most reliable way to know that the very early signs and symptoms of pregnancy you are having mean you really are pregnant.

Here are the earliest possible signs of pregnancy that many women experience:

o Basal Body Temperature Stays Elevated - it is normal to have an increase in body temperature at ovulation and your most fertile time. Your basal body temperature staying elevated after ovulation is completed and remaining elevated through when your period should begin can be one of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy. You will need an inexpensive basal thermometer to chart the slight elevations in your body temperature upon awakening each day.

o Tender and Enlarged Breasts - very early in pregnancy, the body begins making changes in the normal hormone levels that can result in signs and symptoms of pregnancy. The body is unprepared for these changes when they first occur. The most noticeable changes occur in the shape of and feelings of tenderness in the breasts and a feeling of fullness. The good news is that these feelings of tenderness go away fairly quickly as the body becomes accustomed to the new hormone chemistry.

o Fatigue - lack of energy as one of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy is sometimes difficult to distinguish from other kinds of exhaustion. Health professionals attribute this fatigue to the change in hormones in the body which usually disappears as the body adjusts to the new hormone levels.

These are common earliest possible signs of pregnancy that most women agree on. Some women will experience only one of these signs, and some will have several or all of these signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Once the pregnancy signs are experienced, confirm your pregnancy by using one of the better home pregnancy tests. There are major differences in the reliability of the home tests for pregnancy you may wish to know about.

And remember, the health of the developing baby begins with the mother's health and habits before conception as well as during pregnancy. Becoming pregnant and enjoying a successful pregnancy is a complex but wonderful experience. Learn as much as you can about fertility, ovulation, pregnancy and your health so the new person will have the very best beginning to life possible.

Online Pregnancy Test: 3 Early Signs Of Pregnancy That Confirm Pregnancy Before Missed Periods

Online Pregnancy Test

Are there any early signs of pregnancy? Is it possible to tell the exact answer of "am I pregnant" even before the woman misses her period? These are some frequently asked questions in the minds of most woman no matter they want pregnancy or not. This question may arise in the mind of any woman who has been sexually active the previous month. If you also have similar queries then it is suggested to dive in!

The shortest answer of all he above question is "yes". It is possible to tell the answer of "am I pregnant" exactly with the help of early pregnancy symptoms. These early signs of pregnancy start to how itself even before missing the periods. However it is important for a woman to have adequate information about these signs of pregnancy so she is in a better position of interpreting these. Without having the fair knowledge of pregnancy symptoms things may become difficult to comprehend.

Following are given earliest possible signs of pregnancy. These signs are of great help for any woman to identify the pregnancy even before she misses her periods.

Basal Body Temperature: Many women must have noticed that basal body temperature increases when they ovulate. But only few of them were able to judge that if this temperature stays elevated for a longer period of time it can be the possible sign of pregnancy. A woman can easily monitor her basal body temperature with the help of a cheap basal body thermometer. The temperature should only be noted at the same time every day. Mornings are best for this.

Enlarged and Tender Breasts: There is a drastic change in the level of hormones very early in pregnancy. The changing hormonal levels show them by giving different signs and symptoms. The body is not prepared to accept the change in the hormonal level; so it reacts in different ways. The most obvious change is noted in the size and the shape of the breasts. There is also a fuller feeling in the breast. These feelings fade away as the pregnancy continues and the body of the mother gets acquainted with new hormonal levels.

Fatigue: Feeling of tiredness, fatigue and exhaustion are also early signs of pregnancy. At times it becomes difficult for the first time moms to differentiate between general exhaustion and fatigue related to pregnancy. Health professionals think this fatigue and tiredness feelings are also linked to increased level of hormones.

Online Pregnancy Test: Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs of Pregnancy

Online Pregnancy Test

Are you thinking that you might be pregnant? Or do you hope to get pregnant? Whatever the case is your presence here shows that you want to know about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. This will help you to detect your pregnancy as soon s it occurs.

Following reading will give you an insight about some common signs of pregnancy that your body gives in initial few weeks of pregnancy. The following passages will advice you the signs that help in confirming pregnancy and then getting it off for taking a good start.

To know about the early signs of pregnancy, let's assume for a moment that it has happened. Tiny embryo has indulged itself in the lining of the uterus. But the body has to give many signals. Sometimes these signals start to appear even before, missing the periods. These symptoms continue to grow stronger with each passing day and week.

The classic and the most well know alarm of pregnancy is the missed periods. The jingle bells starts to ring if the sexually active woman misses her periods. At this time if the woman goes for a pregnancy test the result would be positive. Some women may experience light bleeding during these days. This light vaginal bleeding is termed implantation bleeding. This takes place when the growing embryo embeds itself in the wall of the uterus.

At this time many women notice food cravings as well as food aversion of different types of foods. What all you have been herding about the food cravings and increased appetite of pregnant woman is always right. Suddenly the pregnant women may start to crave pasta, pickles and few other food items. At the same time some food group's that they used to love may turn up your appetite.

Till so far no one is sure about the cause of these appetite changes. A school of thought says these changes are the nature's way of informing that women's body now requires full nutrients. Some women feel that they start to crave potatoes, bread and other starchy foods. Carbohydrate rich foods should be taken in the early pats of the day and in early weeks of pregnancy; this help in saving the nutrients and energy for the later days of pregnancy.

Pregnant women also feel extremely thirsty during the first few weeks of pregnancy. The extra fluid intakes help the women in increasing the supply of blood to some other liquids.

Online Pregnancy Test: Do You Know the 10 Pregnancy Signs?

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy

Very early signs of pregnancy - are there 10 pregnancy signs? Yes, there are signs that indicate very early that you are pregnant. Some women will experience one or two of them, others will have several of the very early signs of pregnancy. Once you have conceived, it will take about a week for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. As implantation happens, it's now possible to experience one or more of the 10 pregnancy signs and begin to know you are pregnant. Around this time, hormone levels begin to change, and the body reacts to these new hormone levels.

Here are 10 pregnancy signs:

1. Light Spotting - if you have conceived, spotting can happen when implantation occurs before your menstrual period should begin. Pregnancy bleeding from implantation is pinkish or brownish and not heavy. A normal menstrual flow should begin light, become heavy, then taper off again before ending.

2. More Frequent Urination - urinating more often is one of the very early signs of pregnancy. Many women experience more frequent urination even before a missed period, usually from about 7-12 days after the temperature rise at ovulation. The changes in hormone levels produced by implantation of the embryo, especially the hormone "human chorionic gonadotropin" (hCG), cause more frequent urination.

3. Elevated Body Temperature - it's normal to have an increase in body temperature at ovulation. Your basal body temperature staying elevated after ovulation is completed and remaining elevated through when your period should begin can be one of the very early signs of pregnancy.

4. Missing a Menstrual Period - a missed period is one of the obvious 10 pregnancy signs. However, you can miss a period for other reasons including illness, stress, hormone imbalance and reactions to foods or medications. If your menstrual cycle normally occurs very regularly, missing a period can be a sign.

5. Fatigue - lack of energy as one of the very early signs of pregnancy may be hard to distinguish from other kinds of exhaustion. Feeling tired is related to the change in hormones in the body, which usually disappears as the body adjusts to the new hormone levels.

6. Cramping - the uterus can contract often and regularly. Moving around, exercise and orgasm all can trigger uterine cramping in early pregnancy.

7. Nausea - morning sickness is the name given to feeling nauseated when pregnant. Of the 10 pregnancy signs, only about half of pregnant women experience nausea, and feeling nauseated can happen any time of the day or night.

8. Tender Nipples and Breasts - one of the very early signs of pregnancy is a feeling of tenderness in the breasts and nipples. The good news is that these feelings of tenderness go away as the body becomes accustomed to the new hormone levels.

9. Darker Areolas - the area around the nipples becomes darker as early as one week after conception. The bumps on the areolas may look more prominent.

10. Constipation - you may notice a change in your bowels in early pregnancy. The intestines may relax and function less due to changing hormones and be one of the 10 pregnancy signs.

Once the very early signs of pregnancy are experienced, confirm pregnancy by using one of the better home pregnancy tests. There are major differences in the reliability of the home tests for pregnancy. A blood pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 8 to 10 days after conception, and a urine pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 10 to 14 days following conception. Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate. If you feel you are pregnant but your pregnancy test result is negative, do the test again in a week or so and see your physician.

Remember to take good care of your body even before you become pregnant. Give up smoking and alcohol, eat healthy and begin exercising. Those first few weeks and your health are vitally important to help support healthy development of your new baby. Becoming pregnant and enjoying a successful pregnancy is a complex but wonderful experience. Besides knowing the 10 pregnancy signs, learn as much as you can about fertility, pregnancy and your health so your new baby will have the very best beginning to life that is possible.

Online Pregnancy Test: How Early Can a Woman Take a Pregnancy Test?

Online Pregnancy Test

Generally it is believed that signs of pregnancy start to set in by the 6th or 5th week of conception. How early a woman can feel the signs of pregnancy is a query of many women trying to get pregnant. Sometimes a woman can start to feel the signs of pregnancy which can be then confirmed by a home pregnancy test.

A classic sign of onset of pregnancy is tender and sore breasts. Breasts of the woman who have recently conceived become tender to touch even before she misses her periods. This sign can be easily relied on for telling whether a woman is pregnant or not.

Feeling sick and headaches are some other signs of pregnancy that sets in very early days. Headaches are common throughout the pregnancy but they are more prominent in early days. The reason is the drastic change in the level of hormones. Sometimes doctor can prescribe some pregnancy safe medicine for relieving the signs of pregnancy. Feeling sick and extremely tired bones is also an early sign of pregnancy. The best wish in these days is to have everything in liquid and stay in the bed the whole day.

The feeling of being sore starts to appear in very early days and persists till the second semester. Medical studies have revealed that it is not true that hormonal change starts to take place after missing the periods. The truth is that some women start to experience signs of pregnancy soon after conception. Sometimes It is critical to give due importance to the sixth instinct and listen to the signs of the body.

So a woman is pregnant when her tummy hurts, her breasts feel sore and she experiences nausea, she feels strains as well as aches in the body sooner than routine. These are basically the wake up calls for announcing the pregnancy to your doctor. Signs of pregnancy vary widely in duration as well as frequency.

Some women really get confused as the signs of pregnancy resemble a lot with the premenstrual discomforts that are noticed in routine. For a woman who is not planning to have a baby, it is easier o think these are routine premenstrual discomforts and not the signs of pregnancy.

Similarly the woman who is trying to conceive may think these are pregnancy when they were only premenstrual symptoms. Sometimes it becomes difficult to distinguish the signs of the two.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Online Pregnancy Test: Pregnancy Test - A Journey to Motherhood

Online Pregnancy Test

A woman who is sexually active would certainly be anxious to get the result of the pregnancy test. The early symptoms to a certain extent confirm the result. The advancement in gynecological medicines and related test has brought about a revolution in the field of medicine. Previously, the test could be undergone only after 45 days of the earlier date of period. In the present times, it can be confirmed at home with a simple test which can be bought from any druggist.

When should the test be taken?

After conception, the majority of woman experience fatigue mood swings due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone. The breasts get tender and sensitive. A mixed feeling of low energy level and restlessness in the sleeping pattern affect the woman. Some woman experience spotting called the implant bleeding which results from the fertilized egg getting implanted into the uterine wall. Feeling of frequent urination, nausea and morning sickness are prudent. If not all, some distress persists and then a pregnancy test can be taken.

Duration of the First Test

Companies have come out with advanced testing modes which can be used a week before the missed periods but they are frequently changing their tests display to be at par with the modern times. Before using the test is briefed with result display to avoid anxiety. Most commonly the test is taken only after the period date is due to get a full proof result. The test is done by checking the level of HCG hormone in the urine.

How is the test done?

Pregnancy test package are available with the pharmacist. For those who have been trying to conceive can get the package online for a best deal.

The first urine is used for the test to ascertain the level of HCG hormone. There are packages which clearly read 'Pregnancy positive' or 'Pregnancy Negative'.

Knowledge of Pregnancy in Early Stages

Many women are blissfully ignorant when they get pregnant due to the busy life schedule or irregular menstruation. This can be dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Caution should be taken to protect the fetus from risk of miscarriage and deformity. Early confirmation gives scope for management and determining the expected day of delivery.

Online Pregnancy Test: Buy a Pregnancy Test Online - Find Out in the Comfort of Your Home

Online Pregnancy Test

These days, pregnancy tests are very effective and you should know your answer within minutes. Companies are continually changing how their tests display the results so that you are not left standing there wondering if there is or isn't a line, and what a line or no line means. Now, you can get the pregnancy tests that say positive or negative, or even pregnant or not pregnant on them as a result so there are no more questions. Make sure you read your specific test as to how the results will be displayed, as that tends to be more confusing for women than actually seeing what the result is.

A woman can take a pregnancy test a few days before her period is due with accurate results, but it is always recommended to wait until the day your period is due, or a few days later. This is simply due to getting a good, strong result as these tests detect a hormone in the urine, and it takes 10 to 14 days for this to show up in the urine.

You can buy a pregnancy test pretty much anywhere now. Even the dollar stores sometimes stock them and they are just as reliable. For those that have been trying to conceive for a while, they may even start buying tests in bulk online; due to the amount they have gone through and expect to still go through. Some women also tend to be serial testers, so saving a few dollars on tests can be helpful.

For best results, you should use the first morning urine to take the pregnancy test. This is because the hormone that the test is looking for is more concentrated after a long period of not urinating. If you keep forgetting, leave the test sitting on the toilet so it reminds you when you get up.

Sometimes a doctor will send you for blood work early on to check your hCG levels. They are checking for the same hormone that a urine test checks for, but they may want to do these to give an idea of how far along you are, if you are have multiples, or they may want to check in case of a miscarriage. These types of pregnancy tests can detect a pregnancy about a week after ovulation, but doctors don't do these tests as often due to the amount of time it takes to get results. Price is also a factor, as a simple urine test is accurate enough to confirm a pregnancy, and much cheaper.

A positive pregnancy test is just the start of a new journey. For many, it is a wonderful blessing, and they cannot wait to see where this journey is going to take them.

Online Pregnancy Test: Why Not Take a Free Online Pregnancy Test If You Are Confused by Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms?

Online Pregnancy Test

To take a free online pregnancy test you require to answer the following questions. These quested are related to earliest pregnancy symptoms. However it should be kept in mind that fertilized egg needs around one week to implant itself into the uterus. It is only after this implantation that body of the women begins to experience different signs of pregnancy.

So go ahead and answer whether you are experiencing

Vaginal Spotting: Light spotting may take place at the time of implantation. It takes place before the date of your next periods. This light bleeding is normally brownish or pinkish.

Frequent Urination: One of the earliest sign of pregnancy is frequent urination. Most women experience excessive urination after around 8 to 10 days of ovulation.

Increase in Body Temperature: A slight increase in basal body temperature at the time of ovulation is normal. However if this temperature stays elevated for some time then it indicates pregnancy.

Missed Periods: This is one of the most obvious sign of pregnancy. However there are few reasons other than pregnancy that may cause a woman to miss her periods.

Fatigue: Lack of energy is one pregnancy sign that is difficult to distinguish with general exhaustion. Fatigue is related to hormonal changes of the body.

Nausea: These feeling can come at any time of the day or night. Morning sickness for these queasy feeling is a misleading term.

Tender Breasts: If you are answering yes to this question then there are bright chances that you are pregnant. These feeling of tenderness fade away when the body gets familiar to new level of hormones.

Darkening of Areola: This occurs around one week after conception. The bumps on areola also become more obvious.

If the answer of any one or more of the above questions is yes then it is the right time to confirm pregnancy

Do you want to know a 100% natural and effective system with a 99% accuracy rate to confirm pregnancy? If yes then check Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms and find the answer right now.

If the test says that you are not pregnant; even then do not get disappointed as Pregnancy Guide will give you some wonderful tips and soon you will be knitting the bay booties.